The Slovenian start-up ReCatalyst and the Irish Unversity of Galaway have been awarded a grant under the prestigious European Innovation Council (EIC) Booster project under the acronym MARKETHY on business development activities related to AEM electrolysis.

Project Name
Market Analysis of the Hydrogen Sector for Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis and Fuel Cells
Project Number
Grant agreement ID: 101194586
Project Time Frame
01.12.2024 – 30.08.2025
Project Description and Objectives
The hydrogen market is growing exponentially with the increasing needs to displace fossil fuels from the energy, transport and manufacturing sectors. With the demanding targets set by the EU, innovative technologies for hydrogen production and use need to be accelerated. Anion exchange membrane systems offers a more economic alternative compared to the more established proton exchange membranes, by avoiding the use of perfluorinated substances, as well as working in environments that allow the utilisation of low or platinum group metal (PGM)-free electrocatalysts. In addition, saline electrolytes can serve as models for more stringent wastewater or seawater that can be used directly in electrolysers. However, further innovation is required on stable components operating under these conditions. The technical solutions to these problems are the main goals of the EIC funded projects ANEMEL and ENABLER, but a dedicated work looking at the exploitation was not considered in the individual projects. Therefore, this projects aims at developing a common strategy for innovation in the hydrogen market sector. Relevant research questions to answer are the understanding on the market size for anion exchange membrane water electrolysers and fuel cells, the value chain, the techno-economic analysis of different resources for the manufacturing of the devices, and the identification of the barriers to commercialisation. Overall, the expected outcome is a roadmap that serves as an initial exploitation strategy for the innovations developed as part of the ANEMEL and ENABLER projects.
Project funding
The total project budget is € 50 000.